About AnthOligo

AnthOligo is a web-based application developed to automatically generate oligo sequences used to target and capture the continuum of large and complex genomic regions. It automates the complex process of checking multiple applications so that the oligos selected successfully pass certain specific parameter criteria and then get shortlisted as a possible use case for RSE (region specific extraction) processes.

The tools listed below create the perfect foil for AnthOligo to produce optimal results!

  • Primer3
  • BLAT
  • UNAFold (Mfold) - Hairpin, Homodimer, Heterodimer analysis
  • MapDB
  • Apache ActiveMQ

Run Primer Design

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Optional Parameters: Please see Help page page if you see issues with the Configure button

Please upload a tab-delimited file.

For help with file format or to download the example file, please refer to the Help page

Submit project for processing and creation of oligos.

For questions or comments please contact website admin: dgdbfx at email dot chop dot edu